Doc > Changelog > 1.2.16

Doc > Changelog > 1.2.16

New Nodes


  • sop/exporter: when exporting a geometry, clicking on the download button writes the .glb file in the /public/models folder.
  • cop/SDFExporter: when exporting an SDF 3D Texture, clicking on the download button writes the .bin file in the /public/textures folder.
  • upgrade threejs to version 144.
  • add point and ambient lights to raymarching material.
  • add refraction to raymarching material.

Bug fixes

  • remove backspace key to delete a node, as it would have the side effect of deleting nodes when not meaning to. For instance, it would happen while editing a polyNode, which would then make the form fail.
  • fix bug where an infinite loop could be created in gl nodes.
< back to changelog

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